Monday, November 14, 2011

another thought on jefferson.

i am really curious to learn why jefferson wanted America to be full of farmers. Was it so we could be self sufficiant and not rely on the government to suppy us with the things we need to survive. I am not sure if i missed this lecture but i think that the united states would be alot better if we were more self sufficiant. We rely heavily on China to give us all of the stuff that we use on a daily basis. Jefferson also might have had a point back in the day as well. America was trying to become a strong working country. If we relyed on the government America would just turn into a new Britian instead of improving and creating democracy. My idea is that he wanted the United States to be able to sustain itself, and he wanted the indevidual states to be able to control themselves because he DID NOT want a government like Britian and that what i thought the whole point was anyways? makes me wonder why Hamilton had, and stilll has, a large following

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