Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Today in Class

Today in class we talked about the continental congress and The Articals. It was said that the articals limited the power of the government, Aka the continental congress. They were unable to levy taxes or have an Army but it also ment that the states were in control of the taxes and spending. In a way i think that our government now would be better off if the states were in control of their own spending as opposed to the National government being in control of taking care of all the states. With that said i think we still need a government but the power that it has should be limited and the power of every state should be increased to an extent. We do still need an Army and that should not be on the state level, if every state had an army we would be at war with eachother and that isnt the point. I just think the National Debt has become ridiculous and if every state was in control of their own Social Security and programs for the elderly and immagrents then the debt would be less.

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